Worship Schedule
Worship In-Person
Sundays at 8:30 & 9:45 AM
Worship Online
Sundays at 9:45 AM
Verse & Theme
This Week's Verse
Isaiah 43:1, Luke 8:1-2 John 19:25, 20:11
This Week’s Theme/Sermon Series
Do Unto Others Kindness Campaign - Join the movement now!
As we conclude our sermon series is centered around a "Do Unto Others" community campaign. We hope that you will join us for in-person or online worship service.
Wear the Message: Wear a “Do Unto Others” t-shirt. This is the easiest and most enduring way to spread kindness.
Spread the Word: Share the message of kindness in your daily interactions.
Display a Yard Sign: For those who love the idea of a yard sign, we have signs available for pick-up if you are local to the church – feel free to stop by during church office hours or on Sunday during worship service times.
Join us in spreading kindness – every action counts!
Upcoming Events
It's Polar Bear Plunge time! Saturday, February 1st is the big day. If you are interested in learning more about how you can support this awesome community-wide event, please contact the church at 804-448-1251.
It's Polar Bear Plunge time!
Saturday, February 1st is the big day. If you are interested in learning more about how you can support this awesome community-wide event, please contact the church at 804-448-1251.
On Saturday, Feb 8th we will be hosting an Ice Cream Social and Auction here at the church at 6:00 PM to benefit Cindy’s Closet – contributions received will go towards the purchase of furniture for the new building.
On Saturday, February 22nd, Cindy’s Closet will have its Dollar Sale from 8:00 – 1:00 here at the church. We hope that if you are in the area, you will stop by and do a little shopping 🙂
Disciple Bible Study
Wright’s Chapel will host a 12-week Discipleship Bible study focusing on the Old Testament beginning on Tuesday, January 7th at 6:00 PM as we kick off the new year. If you are interested in learning more, please contact tonya@wrightschapel.org.
As a reminder, there is an adult Sunday school class called “Digging Deeper” that meets each week at the church at 9:45 in-person and delves more into the morning sermon.
Plant Enthusiasts
We’re told that Fall is the time that many will be thinning out their perennials and repotting. We’d love for you to save your thinned-out plants for our spring “Plants, Pots, and Things” event here at Wright’s Chapel.
Wright’s Chapel Preschool
Interested in learning more about Wright’s Chapel Preschool? This is an age-appropriate program based on Christian teaching for children ages 2-4. If you would like to learn more, please reach out to Holly at preschool@wrightschapel.org.
Youth Group
Youth Group is held at the church on Thursday evenings from 6:00pm to 8:00pm for 6th -12th graders (during the school season). Dinner and a program are included. If you are interested in learning more, contact Shawn@wrightschapel.org.
Afterschool Program
An Afterschool program is offered at the church on Tuesday afternoons (K-2nd graders) and Thursday afternoons (3rd-5th graders) during the school season. Sign-up is required – if interested in learning more, contact Susan@wrightschapel.org.
Cindy’s Closet
If you’re in the area, stop by Cindy’s Closet – clothing and accessories are available at very low prices. Cindy’s Closet Thrift Store has something for everyone! But watch out – once you start shopping in Cindy’s Closet, you won’t like paying full price for anything anymore! And, be sure you get one of Sofia’s famous cookies.
The Lumberjacks
You may have seen the videos of the impactful ministry of “The Lumberjacks” here at Wrights Chapel. This awesome group provides wood for families in need to heat their homes. They meet at the church on Wednesday and Saturday mornings and are looking for volunteers. Interested in learning more about how you can join or support this mission? Please contact the church at 804.448.1251 for more information.
Crafters Ministry
Do you enjoy crafts? Or, would you like to learn more about becoming a crafter? Crafty or not, this may be the ministry for you! Our crafters meet each Tuesday morning at 9:30 at the church for fellowship and yes, making crafts. Crafts are created throughout the year in preparation for the annual Crafters Bazaar which occurs in the fall – holiday shopping like no other! If you’re interested in learning more about the Crafters, please contact Sandy at dskinkead@comcast.net.
Mobile Ministry
We’re truly grateful for the Mobile Ministry here at Wright’s Chapel. From our packaged food delivery and meal offering on the first Sunday of the month to our Blessings Pantry that is onsite, we provide food to those who need. We welcome volunteers to assist in sorting and packaging food, as well as donations to support this awesome ministry. If you are interested in volunteering, sending a donation (we have an amazon list of items most needed) or simply learning more, please contact us at mobileministry@wrightschapel.org.