After School

I am sitting here making sure that I have everything prepared for my last Tuesday & Thursday After School ice cream parties for the year and I’m happy to have survived…happily, I might add. At the same time, I am sad.
If I am lucky enough to see some of them next year, they won’t be the same as they are now. They will age a little over the summer.  Their interests will change.  Hopefully, most will still want to come back and join us in After School.  I have a few 5th graders that will move up to youth.  I, also, have a few that will be moving away, which that really makes me sad.
These are great, smart, and ohmigosh TALENTED kids, all of them. (You did see Children’s Sunday, right?? They are ROCKSTARS!)  I have loved getting to know them and even in just the 4 months that I have been with them, I have witnessed them grow in some way. Some of these kids are Sunday Schoolers so I get to see more of them. Some are former preschoolers of mine from last year or a couple of years ago.  I hope they will return, I hope that they will want to continue to be a part of Children’s and Youth Ministry.
The experiences and LOVE, not to mention “talent”,  that our volunteers have had and share with our children make our program what it is. We are really lucky to have them and I couldn’t be more appreciative.  I think the kids feel the same way and feel connected to our volunteers and staff.  For me, that is the goal. I want the kids to feel connected to an adult here and to want to share pieces of their day with them. To feel relief and no worry when they walk through our doors. Secretly, I want our adults to feel the same. My goal is for them to connect with our kids and want to share with them. I am sure this was part of the goal to begin with and I hope (and think) we have done that. I want a scared child to come out of their shell a little. I want a quiet child to get a little louder. I want a nervous child to be a little calmer. I want them to look forward to attending as much as we look forward to seeing them hop off the buses or out of the cars.
We are registering now for next year, runs from September to April, and limited to 25 children each day and have already had quite a few sign-ups. On Tuesdays, Kindergarten through 2nd grade join us.  On Thursdays, 3rd through 5th grade join us.  If your child attends Lewis & Clark or Madison, transportation is provided. We do have children that homeschool and even attend school in other districts that join us for After School. Drop off is 3:45 and pick up is 5:30. We have snack, play games, make crafts, and are a big part of our Children’s Sunday each April. If you think your child might participate next year, fill the application out and turn it in so that they are on the list. I will be confirming with everyone towards the end of summer. And if you have a talent that you would like to share with our kids once or on a weekly basis, let me know. We would love to have you join us.