The long view

This summer our youth are going to Raleigh, NC on a mission trip. Last week I traveled down to Raleigh to check out the church where we will be staying and to visit some of the organizations we will be working with. The main reason I chose Raleigh is because I have a former youth that lives there with his wife (Andrew and Kelly). We are staying at his church and they have lots of connections with organizations in the city. They have been very helpful with the planning.
Andrew and I in Raleigh
The best part of my trip down there last week though was getting to have dinner with Andrew and Kelly and another former youth Stephen. Andrew and Stephen were part of my youth group in Altavista, VA more than 10 years ago. I have known each of them since they were in 6th grade. It’s fun to catch up with them and talk to them about the fun times we had. It’s also great to see the young men they have grown into. Andrew is graduating from Wesley Seminary soon and him and Kelly have bought a house and settling down in Raleigh. Church is very important to them and Andrew credits his time in youth ministry. Stephen has traveled a lot and also landed a good job in Raleigh. He has also started to attend church with Andrew and Kelly.
One of the things I do outside of my job at Wright’s Chapel is to coach younger youth ministers. I set up times that I talk with them about things they have going on and they ask for advice on issues they are facing. One of the things I always express to them is that you have to look at the long view in youth ministry. You hope you have an influence on teenagers that in 10,15, or 20 years down the road it will have an effect on the type of Christian they are. Honestly that is easier said than done. Sometimes it can be frustrating after a youth meetings and you wonder are we having any impact. Or when they graduate from high school and they stray away from church and their faith and you wonder if you have failed. But the hope is that they eventually will return to the church and to their faith and their time in youth ministry had some impact on that happening.
Eating dinner with Andrew and Stephen reminded me that the long view is important. They have both turned into great young men where church is important to them. All the time and effort that I and many volunteers put into them was well worth it. This is by no means because of just what I did but it speaks volumes to why youth ministry is important. Why it’s worth the time and resources to pour into teenagers. They may never return to Wright’s Chapel when they graduate but the impact they have on their own communities and churches is well worth it. So thank you for supporting the youth ministry here at Wright’s Chapel. It’s making a difference now but also in the future!