
I’m still living in the after glow of the University of Virginia Championship Victory in Basketball. (For Auburn and VA Tech Fans, I promise that this will be the last time I mention it for a while.) One of the things that struck me though as the game approached was the number of people who seldom follow basketball who wanted to watch and to see how Virginia would do in the one game. I had lots of folks say to me, “I don’t usually watch much basketball, but I watched that one game and it certainly was exciting. I’m so glad I stayed up!”

This Sunday, Easter Sunday, is a lot the like the championship game. What I mean is that lots of folks who don’t normally pay much attention to the church or to matters of faith will be thinking about church; they’ll be interested in what is going on this weekend. I hope that you’ll seize the opportunity to invite someone to come to worship with you on Easter so that they can have a front row seat to the action on Sunday morning. It is going to be great! Easter is about victory and hope and goodness gaining the upper hand and defeating death and darkness and despair. It is about Jesus raised from the dead and the hope that he brings to all of us! We all need to live into some hope! Nobody wants to miss this Sunday!

As a staff we’ve posted pictures on Facebook, put signs up, sent fliers home, sent emails, hosted egg hunts and hid easter eggs with invitations (and chocolate). But what we also know is that the #1 way people get to church, the number #1 way people begin a relationship with a family of faith, the #1 way people get introduced into a life changing faith in Jesus Christ, is when someone they know, a friend, family member, co-worker, neighbor says “Hey we’d love for you to join us for worship on Easter Sunday. We can pick you up or meet you there whatever is best for you.”

Invite someone to join you at worship at Wright’s Chapel at 8:30, 9:45 or 11:00 this Sunday. I promise you, you’ll be glad you did and they will too!

Peace Charles