Unseen and quiet

The last three weeks at Wright’s Chapel we’ve had big things happening on Sunday.  Easter was three weeks ago with all of its pageantry and celebration. Then the next Sunday we had our Christmas in April food drive and potato drop and then this past Sunday we celebrated Children’s Sunday at 9:45 and had our children lead us in worship. In each case we had big crowds gather for worship and we had lots of folks who helped behind the scenes to make sure that those worship events went smoothly.  I love it when we have a big crowd and all the energy and excitement that that brings towards God and the enthusiasm that comes when something new and different is happening.
I was also struck this week however when on Tuesday night I went into the Sanctuary to get something and there in the quiet, empty, darkened worship space was Jessica from our church with a mother and her two daughters trying to help them to find a prom dress from our Cinderella’s Closet.  I thought of Clay working for the last few weeks with one of our youth, just quietly one on one, so that she could sing a song at our 5:30 service.  I went out to say good morning to our Lumberjacks today as they gathered to work and they had taken under their care a young man seeking a new start for his life.  I’m aware of any number of you all who are quietly and in unassuming ways providing care and comfort and counsel, and respite, at times giving rides to doctors and appointments, to others in our church family. The ministry of Jesus, through the church, happens in so many different ways.
Sometimes we worship, praise and serve God and neighbors in ways that are visible and loud and chaotic and at other times we worship, praise and serve God and our neighbor in ways that are unseen and quiet and calm.  What matters most is that we are worshiping, praising and serving God and our neighbor with every part of our life.
How are you worshipping, praising and serving God and your neighbor?