Is it spring yet?

I don’t know about you, but I am over this winter.  I am ready for more sunshine and warm days. Days that can be enjoyed without wondering whether or not it’s going to be freezing by the time I get off work, though it was 60 degrees at lunchtime.
This Florida girl doesn’t mind snow.  I love the little bit of snow that we do get.  I like the kind of winter snow that dumps and then sticks around for a few days, so that we can enjoy sledding, building snowblobs, and lots of snow cones and snow cream.  I grew up wearing shorts at Christmas and flip flops year round.  Even my kids enjoyed swimming at Pensacola Beach on Thanksgiving a couple of years ago.  I enjoy snow days where you can curl up in pjs on the couch and drink hot chocolate while the fire is going after wearing yourselves out outside.
This has not been that kind of winter. This has been the kind of winter where we have gotten a teasing of snow, lots of ice, and been too frigid for the kids to enjoy it. We’ve all been cooped up and shut up too long. And too many people have been sick.
I am glad that spring is around the corner. We’ve had some days that have felt very spring like and I think, “Yay, it’s finally here.” To only be disappointed later that same day. I’m not too sure how far away “around the corner” is.  But the birds don’t lie and they have been up early chirping away outside my bedroom window and driving my kitties crazy every morning recently.  They have to be on to something. Not to mention the sun is coming up when my oldest two are headed to the bus stop.  And Spring Forward happens this weekend.
Spring is such a great time of year. Flowers are blooming, grass is growing. The brown landscape is replaced with greens and sprinkles of colors thrown in. Kids are back to playing soccer. The sun is out and the kids can get out and run, scream, explore, and wear themselves out. Finally, they can get rid of the winter long “cabin fever” that most of us have been experiencing.
It, also, means Children’s Sunday is just around the corner, which gives us a time to celebrate the children in our church. Our children will be speaking, singing, collecting the offering, and even doing a little skit for us.  I think this is a great way to include our children and to show them that they do have a role in the church.  Our 3rd graders in the church will be receiving their bibles, too.
We will be celebrating on April 15th this year during our 9:45 worship. All of our Preschoolers, Sunday Schoolers, and After Schoolers are invited to participate and will be working on their parts over the next few weeks.  I hope that you will come and watch these children, our children, and see what they have to offer.
If you have a 3rd grader that is part of the church and you would like for them to receive a bible with their name on it, please, email me at with their first and last name.