Summer reading

I’m spending this week at the beach with my family. (I’ll be back on Sunday to worship with you all) My wife and my two girls love the beach! I love my wife and my two girls! (I’ll leave it at that since most of you know how I feel about the beach)
Charles at the beach!
I do enjoy my time away and I’ll have a good time at the pool playing with my kids. I’m hoping to get Lydia out on the tennis court this week and begin teaching her how to play. That is one of our summer goals, to teach Lydia how to play tennis so that she might try out for the team next year at the high school. The other part of the beach I enjoy is that I spend a good bit of time reading. I’ll lie on the couch in the afternoon reading a book that I may have started long ago, but never finished. I suspect a lot of us will take some time this summer to read a little more, maybe on vacation, maybe while the kids are in the pool. If you’re like me, you’re always looking for a good book recommendation. So I thought I’d share with you some books I’ve read and liked and others that I’m in the midst of reading. Perhaps you’ll read one and we can talk about it or maybe you’ll have some different suggestions for me that I can read.
The Rhythm of Life by Matthew Kelly (I actually did a sermon series on this book last year)
Off Balance by Matthew Kelly (I’m reading this one right now hope to finish it at the beach)
Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado (a lot of good short stories, devotional like)
Why Jesus? By Will Willimon (he is a retired bishop in the UMC and an excellent preacher)
Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor (she’s an Episcopal priest and one of the best preachers I’ve ever heard)
Haiti The Aftershocks of History (actually this is a book Amy read and I really want to read it as we get ready to go back to Haiti next summer on another mission)
Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela Lincoln Team of Rivals (this is another one Amy read and said was really good)
Duty By Robert M Gates (I started this a while ago and want to finish it)
Forgiving as We’ve Been Forgiven by Dr Greg Jones (I’ve read parts of this and used different parts in sermons. I’ve been in lectures with Dr Jones and he is really really smart. He’s the former dean of the Duke Divinity School)
I get most all my books on my kindle now and all these are on there. Like I said I’m looking forward to spending some time this week just finishing up some good books that I started long ago and maybe starting a few news ones as well. Let me know what you’re reading this summer.