Let the Summer Last

Even though I spent last week at the beach, it’s hard to believe it’s summer already.  I like Caroline County’s new school schedule that ends the school year before Memorial Day, but I’m not used to it yet.  I was very much ready for vacation last week and it was a wonderful, restful, fun week.  But I come back and its already summer.  I’m leaving on Sunday to go to Washington D.C. for a week with the high school youth – but shouldn’t they still be in school?
Vacation Bible School registrations are coming in.  Art Camp registrations are coming in.  Mission trips are happening.  And the other day at staff meeting, I started a conversation about a Back to School party for August.  What?
I always intend to enjoy my summer.  Slow down.  Relax a bit.  Swim.  Go to King’s Dominion.  Catch some lightening bugs.  But I end up spending it planning for the fall.  This year, I refuse to start planning for anything after August until July 1st.  Maybe that’s not a great idea.  But of course, I’m a procrastinator so even if I wanted to I probably wouldn’t be planning for the fall this month.  I really want to enjoy the summer, even after I start planning for the fall.  Living in the moment has never been easy for me.  I have to think about it and decide to do it.  It’s hard to enjoy the present when doing so requires work.  But this summer I’m going to try.  I’m going to try to be more attentive to my surroundings.  I’m going to try and see God at work in the world around me.  I’m going to try to enjoy the summer.