
Some of our high school seniors enjoying sweet frogs!
Last week we took some of our high school seniors out for dinner to celebrate their graduation and to thank them for their contributions to our church (Kameron Rigg, one of our seniors, asked if I would mention him in the blog so here you go Kameron I just wrote your name twice!). That annual dinner always feels like the start of summer for me. Usually around that time we are wrapping up some of our weekly programs.  We continue our weekly youth Sunday school but our Monday after school and Thursday Bible study takes a break during the summer. The summer for me is busy with mission trips, VBS, and vacation. But it is also a time when I look back on the year we just finished and evaluate how the year went and to look forward at what changes we will make the next school year.
We had another great year in youth ministry. Our Thursday night Bible study continued to be our strongest and most fruitful program. Every Thursday we met at 3 different homes to eat together and discuss the scripture that Charles will use for Sunday worship. Every week we had 40-50 youth and adults gathering together for food, fellowship, and study. Our Wednesday after school changed to Mondays in January. We made the change because our youth were involved in so many after school programs at the school and they thought Mondays were better days. We also had Sunday school for youth every Sunday during the 9:45 and 11:00 worship services. The youth also participated in a fall weekend mission trip, traveled to Haiti in December, and a spring weekend district retreat. It’s been a good year for this vital ministry. The youth have grown in their faith and are making a difference in our community and around the world.
But as I said I also use the summer time to look forward to the fall and what changes need to be made. We are talking about making changes to our youth after school program and possibly changing the day and the format. I’m beginning to make plans for our next Haiti mission trip scheduled for the summer of 2018. I’m exploring options for homes and volunteers to host our Thursday night Bible studies.
Summer is a down time in many ways for the staff here at the church. But we’ve learned evaluating the past year and planning for the next school year helps keep our ministries aligned with our mission of Making Disciples, Transforming the World.