Sabbath and training

I spent last week with the Presbyterians.  I went to the Arts, Recreation and Worship Conference at Montreat near Asheville, NC.  It is my favorite week every year.  I learn new games that I can use with our children and youth.  I pick up great activities to do at women’s retreats.  I learn new songs and crafts.  I connect with old friends and make new ones.  And I feed my inner artist.  But most of all, I feed my soul.  For me, ARW is sabbath time.  It’s time for me to be refreshed, rejuvenated, and grow closer to God.  Even though it is an exhausting week, I always come back energized and full of new ideas.
This year’s conference was no exception.  In my morning class, I did jewelry metalsmithing.  I got to use a torch.  I made some fun pieces of jewelry that aren’t professional quality, but I like them and I’ll wear them.  My afternoon class was called “Games, Games, Games.”  I spent 2 ½ hours every afternoon playing games.  Well, maybe 2 hours.  We spent time at the end each day going back over what we had done so we could all write things down.  I played games that were high energy, sit down games, and get-to-know-you games.  It was a class full of women and we had a lot of fun.  I’ve already taught a game to the kids at the 9:45 Sunday school that I learned in that class.
But the classes are not the only ways to learn at ARW.  Every morning before worship, different people lead energizers and fun group activities.  Worship is creative and non-traditional.  This year, our worship leader was a young woman who is both an artist and a pastor.  She consults with churches to find ways to incorporate the arts in worship.  The evening activities are examples of inter-generational events we can use at our churches.  And after the evening activities, there are late night activities that go on into the wee hours.  There are crafts, folk dancing, music and games everywhere you look.  And all of it can be brought back to use in our churches.
I’ve been going to ARW for about 14 years now.  I missed one year a few years back and I think I’m still recovering.  I’ve taken stained glass, fused glass, puppetry, pottery and woodworking classes.  I’ve taken classes in creative worship, intergenerational ministry, children’s ministry and using social media in the church.  I’ve gotten great ideas.  I’ve been challenged personally, emotionally, and professionally.  I’ve laughed –  a lot – and I’ve cried.  I’m able to process things at ARW that get pushed to the back of my mind in my everyday life.  ARW restores my soul.  It rekindles passion for creativity and Christian education.  And it is really fun.
Thank you for the opportunity to have this experience.  I promise that you have seen and will continue to see the benefits in the ministries of Wright’s Chapel.