Crazy week!

It’s been a crazy week at Wright’s Chapel.  We arrived on Tuesday morning to find that someone had broken into the church on Monday night and stolen the church safe.  They broke some office doors, a window in the nursery and went through all the desks and file cabinets in all the offices.  They seemed a little intimidated by the mess in my office and didn’t do too much in there.
But before all of that, I spent some time here on Monday morning sorting clothes for Cindy’s Closet.  The amount of donations we’ve been receiving is amazing!  Maybe it’s because the Goodwill truck had to move when the Food Lion parking lot was being paved, I don’t know.  But we’ve been getting lots of donations every week for the Closet.  So I brought my mom and my daughter on Monday morning and we joined the sorting party in the sanctuary.  (There are people here sorting every Monday morning if you ever want to help!)  I read an article the other day about how January is the best time to go to thrift stores.  So many people clean out their closets at the end of the year that second-hand stores like Cindy’s Closet have lots of good stuff in them.    I know we do!
I keep hoping to bring a huge donation of my clothes to Cindy’s Closet when I finally lose weight.  Why is is that we hold to our “skinny” clothes hoping to get back into them and using them for inspiration, but the minute we lose weight, those “fat” clothes are in the box in the back of the car ready to be dropped off?  I’m ready to clean them out now in preparation for weight loss, I’m so excited about getting those out of my home.  I guess that wouldn’t be such a great idea though.
On Sunday, we start our Biggest Loser competition again.  I’m excited and not so excited.  I need to lose the weight, but I’m not really excited about the process.  I’m hoping that like last year, the competition will provide the motivation I need.  Last year, all of our office staff participated and the daily talk and checking in really helped – even though, or maybe because, we were mostly on different teams.  If you need to lose some weight and think a bit of competition might help, join us on Sunday after the 11:00 service for the Biggest Loser check in.  We start on Sunday and go through April 2nd.  If you don’t have a team, we’ll find you one.  And hopefully, sometime in mid-April, the Monday morning sorters at Cindy’s Closet will have a big bag or two of my clothes to go through!