Why church?

Wright's Chapel United Methodist Church   -  

This past week Charles asked us during his sermon the question of why do we need the church? Why do we as Christians need the church? Why do people need Jesus? These are important questions we need to answer for ourselves before we invite others to church. We need to know for ourselves why we need the church so that we can share that with others.
The start of the girls home in Haiti!
The past two Saturdays are the perfect example to me of why we need the church. We had two fundraisers the past couple of weeks. It started with the auction and ended with the skeet shoot. We raised a bunch of money at both of them and had lots of fun. But that was not what was most impressive about those events. Both of those fundraisers were raising money for our Haiti mission trip and other missions of the church. At both of those events I couldn’t help but look around and notice all of the people who helped make them happen. You see we need the church because we can do impressive things that transform the world together. There were people at the auction who helped organize and run it that are not going on the trip to Haiti. They just believed in the mission and were doing their part. There were people bidding way more money then items were worth because of where the money was going. The same is true at the skeet shoot. Lots of local businesses sponsored the event to help cover expenses. Many people who do not attend our church and in some cases any church came out for the fun. We were able to show them what the fellowship of a church looks like. People paid $3 to try to shot a flying orange disk (I got one but that was one more than Charles and that is all I cared about!). What they were really doing though is making a difference to a child in Haiti. They were not just bidding on a piece of furniture or buying a BBQ sandwich, they were helping to build a home for handicap girls in Les Cayes Haiti. They were providing a bunk bed for a child who sleeps on the floor. That’s what we can accomplish when we follow Christ into the Church.  We are people who love God and the Church, working hard to accomplish its mission of making disciples and transforming the world.  That’s why we need this community of believers called the Church. That’s why this community needs Wright’s Chapel. Now it’s time to invite more people to be apart of this church so we can accomplish even more in the name of Christ!